Tuesday 27 September 2011

Preliminary task preparation

Today in class we got into groups with people that we are going to be filming our preliminary task with. It was extremely interesting to see how the first two groups used the flip camera on and off the tripod. Caroline and me have decided that because the speech we have selected is sarcastic we would like to use over the shoulder shots so that we will be able to focus on the 'actors' voice. Another idea me and Caroline thought of is that we could film the clock ticking so that the frustration in the first character builds whilst waiting for the second one to arrive. Something that me and Caroline also thought about was possibly doing a 180degree shot which would be used to round off the scene.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Media Studies booklet.

ECS as and A2 Media Studies Course Booklet

This booklet contains everything that I'm going to need to help me with media for the next two years. Its full of useful pieces of information. After having a look through the booklet I am extremely excited, anxious and apprehensive about the preliminary task and even more so the actual task.

Monday 19 September 2011


I think that the opening for "Mute" is extremely clever.  The music and the opening credits build suspense so that we stay interested in it. There aren't a wide range of camera angles used however the angles that were used proved to be effective. I was also impressed with the music fading out as she took her headphones out of her ear. However I didn't like the fact that we know there was so speech for a reason. It could have been better by not giving the whole film away only two minutes in.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Today's lesson

So today in class we watched film openings which had been directed and produced by previous students from Enfield County, and other schools from around the country. I found this gave us a real taste of what our finished piece could look like (I know that's crazy considering we haven't even picked our groups yet). It was really helpful as it became apparent as to what the DOs and DON'Ts were. After only having been learning media for two weeks I have already become a major critic.