Wednesday, 30 November 2011

British Film Institute

Today we went on a trip to the British Film Institute. Whilst we was there we heard from a range of speakers including Pete who is the Chief Examiner. The speakers proved to be beneficial as although they spoke about some things which are extremely advanced for As students it really did show us what going further into the media industry would be like.


On Thursday Caroline and I filmed for our film opening. We was given two hours out of school where we got to film. In this two hours we was able to complete everything we set out to. It was certainly a tiring experience. Towards the end of filming we was both extremely tired, and I have a bad feeling that we rushed the end. However on a brighter not I do think that we was able to get a variety of shots and angles which we should be able to quite easily edit together. Lucky for us we had good lighting and hopefully that means out continuity is good.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Filming preparation

Tomorrow Caroline and I are going to be filming our 2minute film opening. I have just checked the weather forecast, and tomorrow afternoon should be dry and a bit cloudy. This could work to our advantage as our film is focused along a topic which is slightly depressing yet totally thrilling. Today Caroline and I finalized our actresses outfit and made the choice to have her dressed more modern as this would be more creepy that a typical 'black hoodie' effect. Tomorrows we feel like we have our work cut out for us, however if we stick to our key ideas, get the correct shots, and don't lose sight of the main goal I'm sure we'll be fine.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

The Stepfather (1987)

This is the original opening for the film 'The Stepfather'. At the start we are curious to see what the man is doing as the non-diegetic music is constantly building suspense. The detail of what as happened isn't revealed, however it's safe to assume that he has murdered his wife and stepchildren. We can assume this because the character isn't fazed by the dead bodies around him as well as the fact he was washing blood off of his hands. Something which I find to be rather creepy is how much the mans identity changed within a small period of time. He comes across as psychopathic as whatever has happened was obviously planned, and not accidental in the slightest.

Setting for our film opening.

Your message:

Setting for our film opening.

Your message:

Setting for our film opening.

Your message:

Setting for our film opening.

Your message:

Setting for our film opening.

Your message:

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Different types of readings

What is a dominant reading?
A dominant reading is when the reader understands and appreciates what the writer is saying. The point may or may not be intentional, however the reader is oblivious to the authors intention.

What is an oppositional reading?
An oppositional reading is one when the reader has the opposite point of view.

What is a negotiated reading?
A negotiated reading is when the reader shares some of the same view as the writer, however they also have their own opinions on the text which reflect their own personal opinion.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Vlog number two: Discussion about our progress so far

This 'VLOG' is all about where we stand in retrospect to our film opening. As you can see we have raw ideas which we are now finally ready to start story boarding.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Representations of age

Representations of age

Old age
  • Ambicious
  • Sporty
  • Hardworking
  • Talented
  • Free willed 
  • Able bodied
  • Strong
  • Fun
  • Modern
  • Innocent
  • Educated
  • Religious
  • Caring
  • Wise
  • Moral
  • Stable
  • Freedom
  • Volatile
  • Uneducated 
  • Lazy
  • Arrogant 
  • Trouble
  • Gangs
  • Ignorant 
  • Pregnancies 
  • Hormonal
  • Immature
  • Insensitive
  • Frivilous 
  • Sexualised
  • Drugs
  • Smoking
  • Violence
  • Hedonistic
  • Moody
  • ASBO
  • Immature
  • Hormonal 
  • Arrogant
  • Traditional
  • Disabled
  • Boring
  • Slow
  • Moany
  • Vulnerable
  • Fragile
  • Dependent 
  • Smelly
  • Senile 
  • Anti-youth