Friday 28 October 2011

Footloose analysis

Yesterday I went to the cinema to see the film Footloose. During the first two minutes of the film I payed very close attention to the detail which was revealed about the film. I'm only blogging about the first two minutes as this is the initial aim of my task, and is ideally what I would like my film opening to be like. At the start of the film there is loud music played and a series of camera shots and angles, which allow the audience to feel the energy of the film. Within the first two minutes we don't learn very much. We know that there are teenagers who are partying and drinking late at night who then have a car crash which turns out to be fatal. If I was to have my film opening as something which seemed to have an ending SUCH AS A DEATH, then I would be afraid that people would think I was telling the whole story. Whereas as the film went on the start of the film proved to be a key piece of information, which couldn't have been changed in any way. In this case the film opening proved to be effective, (as the rest of the film was made) but in my case it could be a risk which might not pay off.

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