Friday, 6 April 2012

Evaluation questions.

  •  In what ways does your film opening use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 
  •   How does your film opening represent particular social groups? 
  •  What kind of media institution might distribute your film opening and why? 
  •  Who would be the audience for your film opening? 
  •  How did you attract/address your audience? 
  •  What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this film opening? 
  •  Looking back at your prelim task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the final film opening?

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Production company thoughts

After deep consideration I decided not to spend lots of time creating a production company. I felt that by doing production companies I would be wasting valuable time where I could be showing more of my film. However I did later find that I had the time space on my film, but by that time it was too late to create my own original production companies which was a real shame. I regret this, however I do not think that it impacts the film content in anyway. In fact by not including production companies I believe that the audience will be able to get into the film opening easier as there is direct attention payed to the product. Indeed there are basic production companies do give a professional effect, but they are only present to show that I am aware that there should be something there.

Research into production companies

Thursday, 22 March 2012


Today in class Miss Foster and the class watched through what the film opening looked like so far. Miss Foster commented on a few things that she thought could be improved. I took this constructive criticism and straight away put it into place.

First of all I changed the length of time with each piece of text and made it longer to emphasise their names and fully grab the audiences attention. That was not the only aspect of the text that I changed as I also changed the font to BAGHDAD as it was more appropriate, which led to me making the font slightly bigger. I now think that the film opening is more fluid.

Earlier on in the week it was pointed out to me that one of our garden shots was done free handed and didn't create the right effect. Luckily we had a shot from the same angle where the tripod had been used and could easily rectify this mistake.

Today in class the name of the film opening was decided which is 'Daisy chains'. This name has come from the fact that the child is called Daisy and is chained up in the shed, however this isn't a known fact to the audience. The title matches the narrative of the film. We didn't come to this decision lightly as we went through many other possibilities such as 'Where's Mummy?' and 'Where's Molly?'

All thats left to do now is work on production companies, and foley in the sounds out child giggles and laughs in the park scene.

Research on The Hunger Games.

Amanda Craig, The Times
"At its best the trilogy channels the political passion of 1984, the memorable violence of A Clockwork Orange, the imaginative ambience of The Chronicles of Narnia and the detailed inventiveness of Harry Potter. The specifics of the dystopian universe, and the fabulous pacing of the complicated plot, give the books their strange, dark charisma."

The Scotsman

"It's seldom that children's books are so eagerly anticipated... The dystopian world conjured up in Collins' Hunger Games series has taken the teenaged reading world by storm and the final part of her trilogy is a blistering and brutal winner."

Lancashire Evening Post

"All in all, Mockingjay confirms what we've suspected already - The Hunger Games isn't just a powerful saga about a unique, memorable hero struggling to do the right thing in the public gaze. It's also an important work of science fiction that everyone should read, because if you don't, you'll be left out of all the best conversations."

"Love, loss, heartbreak, the futility of war, the search for freedom and human resilience all play leading roles in this compelling and sometimes shocking story. Mockingjay does not epic and emotionally powerful conclusion to a momentous series."

The Visitor

"Bringing the story of the dystopian world of Panem to a close, Mockingjay is a remarkably strong book - a rare quality in the final instalment of a teen trilogy these days... Unlike similar attempts, Mockingjay doesn't hit the reader over the head with its message but is instead a startling and refreshingly honest look at the reality and long term effects of war. A challenging, powerful and remarkably intelligent read that will stay with you; definitely not just your average teen novel."

Total Sci-Fi Online

"My god, what an end to the series! I really don't know what to say. I absolutely loved it, and I think Suzanne Collins is just a genius. This has got to be one of the best series ever written."

Once Upon a Bookcase

"This is a thrilling conclusion to a very good series of novels that will engage readers of all ages."

Socialist Worker

"This is hard hitting novel. It felt as though Suzanne Collins had taken The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, baked them in the oven leaving the end result more mystifying, more emotionally shocking than its predecessors... What happens to Katniss here blew my mind away... the steps the Capitol will take to squash the Mockingjay means you need to block out time in your schedule to read this in one sitting."

The Hunger Games.

Today on the way to school I was listening to the radio and it stated that in America The Hunger Games has gone down in history reaching number three in box office takings and that the only other films which have made more are...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows $169,189,427

The Dark Knight $158,411,483

The Hunger Games $152,535,747

disability within dramas.

Disability within dramas.

Disability within dramas.

This clip shows a man who had become disabled through having a stroke. Resulting from this stroke he now has to go into a nursing home as the demands of his condition have become all too much for his family to manage as they don't feel they are doing a good enough job.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

What next?

Seeing as we have almost finished our film opening we are down to the final few alterations to make. All thats left to do is our two production company names, music and credits.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

What certificate would be appropriate?

I have made the decision that the correct certificate for the film is 15. I know that although it is not obvious what our film is about, as we are only showing the opening of it if we was to hypothetically film the rest of it there would certainly be content which wasn't appropriate for children. I did consider making the film a 12, however I sided against it as at that age some children are a lot more mature and others who aren't might find the content somewhat scary. The film probably wouldn't end with the mother getting her baby back, and for an immature 12 year old to see something which isn't HAPPILY EVER AFTER might prove to be all too much.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Our two new characters Megan and Olivia.

Your message:

Today Caroline and I went filming for what we hope was the last time in the park. We added two new characters; Olivia and Megan. Filming with a one year old certainly is not the easiest thing I have ever done, and has taught me that not everything is going to go as smoothly as I had originally imagined. Whilst filming Grace the main actress jokingly said to me that "YOU SHOULD NEVER WORK WITH ANIMALS OR CHILDREN". I would like to think that we pulled it off despite the distractions of how cute Megan was with her requests to go on the slide, the bike and a scooter. 

When filming I think that we did limit the amount of camera shots and angles we took, however in the previous footage we have there are a variety of shots used so right now I'm feeling fairly confident.  

Monday, 27 February 2012

The draft of our film, and our outtakes so far.

As you can tell what we have so far isn't perfect or even close, however I feel confident that we are heading in the right direction.

Considering how long this clip is it really does show the journey we've been on.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences.

What does this mean?
I think that this means why are technological journeys so important for the people making the film and audiences. I believe that this question should be answered talking about things such as camera developments, and why it would cater for particular audiences.

Monday, 20 February 2012

e-book activity 3.4

How Likely Isit That if You Owned a HD TV

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Half Term research.

Cardiff Cinema Research 2003 Document

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Possible ideas.

Today in class Caroline came up with an idea which puts our previous footage to good use. Together we decided that it would be a good idea to change the story slightly. Now our idea is...

A girl receives a phone call from someone we can not see or hear at a train station. She then rushes home to check on 'it' leaving the audience in suspense as to what it is. As the girl is about to check there is a flash back to two years earlier where we see the girl in a park paying particular attention to a young toddler.

If we had to some the story up in a twenty-five word pitch it would be 'A young blonde girl gets mixed up with someone who takes advantage of her deep obsessions. Can'.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Where do I go next?

So far Caroline and I have been out filming for one day and have in total about one and half minutes of useable footage. We are both in agreement that we need to add to it, however we still are unsure of what our next move should be as we have to be careful that we don't change our film too much. Through talking to people they have suggested that we make things slow and that our titles will fill up the remaining time. I personally feel that this is a big risk and that it would be better to get more footage than we need now, rather than have too little when its too late.

One idea is that we create a blog, and film the last few seconds of our current footage so that we can carry on building the suspense, which also means we have the opportunity to introduce new characters. I believe this could also be good as its a perfectly basic idea. All we need to do it sit down and discuss the details so that when we edit it together there is a flow.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


PRODUCTION: making films

DISTRIBUTION: promoting films and getting them into cinemas and out on to DVD as well as any spin offs/related media products.

CONSUMPTION: people paying at the cinema, renting or buying DVDs and downloading and purchasing related products.

Thursday, 5 January 2012


Whats meant by the terms institutions and audiences?


7 areas you need to cover within media...

 the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice;  the importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and
 the technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange;
 the significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences;
 the importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences;
 the issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions;
 the ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour.

Key film production companies...

Warner brothers
Metro Goldwyn Mayer

What do production companies have in common, and how are they different?