Saturday 10 March 2012

Our two new characters Megan and Olivia.

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Today Caroline and I went filming for what we hope was the last time in the park. We added two new characters; Olivia and Megan. Filming with a one year old certainly is not the easiest thing I have ever done, and has taught me that not everything is going to go as smoothly as I had originally imagined. Whilst filming Grace the main actress jokingly said to me that "YOU SHOULD NEVER WORK WITH ANIMALS OR CHILDREN". I would like to think that we pulled it off despite the distractions of how cute Megan was with her requests to go on the slide, the bike and a scooter. 

When filming I think that we did limit the amount of camera shots and angles we took, however in the previous footage we have there are a variety of shots used so right now I'm feeling fairly confident.  

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